Illustration with dots and many lines connecting them, showing the back and forth professional connections among lab researchers.


  • Clifford, Jarrett, Cheng, Cheng, Seldin, Morand, Lee, Chen, Baldan, de Aguiar Vallim, Tarling. (2023). RNF130 Regulates LDLR Availability and Plasma LDL Cholesterol Levels. Circ Res, 132(7), pp849-863.
  • Xiao, Kennelly, Ferrari, Clifford, Whang, Gao, Qian, Sandhu, Jarrett, Brearley-Sholto, Nguyen, Nagari, Lee, Zhang, Weston, Young, Bensinger, Villanueva, de Aguiar Vallim, Tontonoz. (2023). Hepatic nonvesicular cholesterol transport is critical for systemic lipid homeostasis. Nat Metab, 5(1), pp165-181.


  • Ilacqua, Anastasia, Aloshyn, Ghandehari-Alavijeh, Peluso, Brearley-Sholto, Pellegrini, Raimondi, de Aguiar Vallim, Pellegrini. (2022). Expression of Synj2bp in mouse liver regulates the extent of wrappER-mitochondria contact to maintain hepatic lipid homeostasis. Biol Direct, 17(1), pp37.
  • Moore, Cheng, Wolf, Ngo, Segawa, Zhu, Strumwasser, Cao, Clifford, Ma, Scumpia, Shirihai, Vallim, Laakso, Lusis, Hevener, Zhou. (2022). Parkin regulates adiposity by coordinating mitophagy with mitochondrial biogenesis in white adipocytes. Nat Commun, 13(1), pp6661.
  • De Giorgi, Jarrett, de Aguiar Vallim, Lagor. (2022). In Vivo Gene Editing in Lipid and Atherosclerosis Research. Methods Mol Biol, 2419, pp613-713.
  • O'Callaghan, Helly, Tarling, Keane, McCarthy. (2022). Methionine supplementation: potential for improving alveolar macrophage function through reverse cholesterol transport? Eur Respir J, 59(5), pp2102594.
  • Doerfler, Han, Jarrett, Tang, Jain, Saltzman, De Giorgi, Chuecos, Hurley, Li, Morand, Ayala, Goodlett, Malovannaya, Martin, de Aguiar Vallim, Shroyer, Lagor. (2022). Intestinal Deletion of 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl-Coenzyme A Reductase Promotes Expansion of the Resident Stem Cell Compartment. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 42(4), pp381-394.
  • Yildirim, Baboo, Hamid, Dogan, Tufanli, Robichaud, Emerton, Diedrich, Vatandaslar, Nikolos, Gu, Iwawaki, Tarling, Ouimet, Nelson, Yates, Walter, Erbay. (2022). Intercepting IRE1 kinase-FMRP signaling prevents atherosclerosis progression. EMBO Mol Med, 14(4), pp15344.
  • Ilacqua, Anastasia, Raimondi, Lemieux, de Aguiar Vallim, Toth, Koonin, Pellegrini. (2022). A three-organelle complex made by wrappER contacts with peroxisomes and mitochondria repsonds to liver lipid flux changes. J Cell Sci, 135(5), pp259091.
  • Mukherjee, Chattopadhyay, Grijalva, Dorreh, Lagishetty, Jacobs, Clifford, Vallim, Mack, Navab, Reddy, Fogleman. (2022). Oxidized phospholipids cause changes in jejunum mucus that induce dysbiosis and systemic inflammation. J Lipid Res, 63(1), pp100153.


  • Ataya, Knight, Carey, Lee, Tarling, Wang. (2021). The Role of GM-CSF Autoantibodies in Infection and Autoimmune Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis: A Concise Review. Front Immunol, 12, pp752856.
  • Clifford, Sedgeman, Williams, Morand, Cheng, Jarrett, Chan, Brearely-Sholto, Wahlström, Ashby, Barshop, Wolhschlegel, Calkin, Liu, Thorell, Meikle, Drew, Mack, Marschall, Tarling, Edwards, de Aguiar Vallim. (2021). FXR activation protects against NAFLD via bile acid-dependent reductions in lipid absorption. Cell Metab, 33(8), pp1671-1684.
  • Zhuang, Calkin, Lau, Kiriazis, Donner, Liu, Bond, Moody, Gould, Colgan, Carmona, Inouye, de Aguiar Vallim, Tarling, Quaife-Ryan, Hudson, Porello, Gregorovic, Gao, Du, McMullen, Drew. (2021). Loss of the long non-coding RNA OIP5-AS1 exacerbates heart failure in a sex-specific manner. iScience, 24(6), pp102537.
  • de Aguiar Vallim, Tarling. (2021). mInd the gAP. Circ Res, 128(11), pp1660-1662.
  • Anastasia, Ilacqua, Raimondi, Lemieux, Ghandehari-Alavijeh, Faure, Mekhedov, Williams, Caicci, Valle, Giacomello, Quiroga, Lehner, Miksis, Toth, de Aguiar Vallim, Koonin, Scorrano, Pellegrini. (2021). Mitochondria-rough-ER contacts in the liver regulate systemic lipid homeostasis. Cell Rep, 34(11), pp108873.
  • von Sheidt, Zhao, de Aguiar Vallim, Che, Wierer, Seldin, Franzén, Kurt, Pang, Bongiovanni, Yamamoto, Edwards, Ruusalepp, Kovacic, Mann, Björkegren, Lusis, Yang, Schunkert. (2021). Transcription Factor MAFF (MAF Basic Leucine Zipper Transcription Factor F) Regulates an Atherosclerosis Relevant Network Connecting Inflammation and Cholesterol Metabolism. Circulation, 143(18), pp1809-1823.
  • Bond, King, Henstridge, Tran, Moody, Yang, Liu, Mellett, Nath Inouye, Tarling, de Aguiar Vallim, Meikle, Calkin, Drew. (2021). Deletion of Trim28 in committed adipocytes promotes obesity but preserves glucose tolerance. Nat Commun, 12(74).


  • Clifford, Jarrett, Cheng, Cheng, Seldin, Morand, Lee, Baldan, de Aguiar Vallim, Tarling. (2020). GOLIATH regulates LDLR availbility and plasma LDL cholesterol levels. bioRxiv.
  • Zhou, Chi, Lee, Hsieh, Mkrtchyan, Feng, He, York, Bui, Kronenberger, Ferrari, Xiao, Daly, Tarling, Damoiseaux, Scumpia, Smale, Williams, Tontonoz, Bensinger. (2020). Interferon-mediated reprogramming of membrane cholesterol to evade bacterial toxins. Nat Immunol, 21(7), pp746-755.
  • Pradas-Juni, Hansmeier, Link, Schmidt, Larsen, Klemm, Meola, Topei, Loureiro, Dhaoudai, Kiefer, Schwarzer, Khani, Oliverio, Awazawa, Frommolt, Heeren, Scheja, Heine, Dietrich, Buning, Yang, Cao, Jesus, Kulkarni, Zevnik, Troder, Knippschild, Edwards, Lee, Yamamoto, Ulitsky, Fernandez-Rebollo, Vallim, Kornfeld (2020). A MAFG-lncRNA axis links systemic nutrient abundance to hepatic glucose metabolism. Nat Commun, 11(1), pp644.
  • Cheng, Cheng, Clifford, Wu, Hedin, Maegdefessel, Pamir, Sallam, Tarling, de Aguiar Vallim. (2020). MicroRNA-144 Silencing Protects Against Atherosclerosis in Male, but Not Female Mice. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 40(2), pp412-420.


  • Parker, Calkin, Seldin, Keating, Tarling, Yang, Moody, Liu, Zerenturk, Needham, Miller, Clifford, Morand, Watt, Meex, Peng, Lee, Jayawardana, Pan, Mellett, Weir, Lazarus, Lusis, Miekle, James, Aguiar Vallim, Drew. (2019). An integrative systems genetics analysis of mammalian lipid metabolism. Nature, 567(7747), pp187-193.
  • Pamir, Pan, Plubell, Hutchins, Tang, Wimberger, Irwin, Aguiar Vallim, Heinecke, Lusis (2019). Genetic control of the mouse HDL proteome defines HDL traits, function, and heterogeneity. J Lipid Res, 60(3), pp. 594.


  • Sullivan, Mullen, Schmid, Flores, Momcilovic, Sharpley, Jelinek, Whiteley, Maxwell, Wilde, Banerjee, Coller, Shackelford, Braas, Ayer, Aguiar Vallim, Lowry, Christofk (2018). Extracelular Matrix Remodeling Regulates Glucose Metabolism through TXNIP Destabilization. Cell, 175(1), pp.117.
  • McCarthy, Lee, Bridges, Sallese, Suzuki, Woods, Bartholmai, Wang, Chalk, Carey, Arumugam, Shima, Tarling, Trapnell (2018). Statin as a novel pharmacotherapy of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. Nat Commun, 9(1), pp. 3127.
  • Tumurkhuu, Dagvadorj, Porritt, Crother, Shimada, Tarling, Erbay, Arditi, Chen (2018). Chlamydia pneumoniae Hijacks a Host Autoregulatory IL-1ß Loop to Drive Foam Cell Formation and Accelerate Atherosclerosis. Cell Metab, Jun 18 pii: S1550-4131(18)30380-2.
  • Lee, Ong, Vergnes, Aguiar Vallim, Nolan, Cantor, Walters, Reue (2018). Diet1, bile acid diarrhea, and FGF15/19: mouse model and human genetic variants. J Lipid Res, 59(3), pp.429.


  • Mack, Mosquerio, Archer, Jones, Sunshine, Faas, Briot, Aragon, Su, Romay, McDonald, Kuo, Lizama, Lane, Zovein, Fang, Tarling, Aguiar Vallim, Navab, Fogelman, Bouchard, Iruela-Arispe (2017). NOTCH1 is a mechanosensor in adult arteries. Nat Commun, 8(1), pp.1620.
  • Zhang, Rajbhandari, Priest, Sandhu, Wu, Temel, Castrillo, Aguiar Vallim, Sallam, Tontonoz (2017). Inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis through RNF145-dependent ubiquitination of SCAP.
  • Aguiar Vallim, Lee, Merriott, Goulbourne, Cheng, Cheng, Gonen, Allen, Palladino, Ford, Wang, Baldán, Tarling (2017). ABCG1 regulates pulmonary surfactant metabolism in mice and men. J Lipid Res, 58(5), pp. 941-954. 
  • Rong, Wang, Palladino, Aguiar Vallim, Ford, Tontonoz (2017). ER phospholipid composition modulates lipogenesis during feeding and in obesity. J Clin Invest, 127(10), pp. 3640-3651. 
  • Tarling, Clifford, Cheng, Morand, Cheng, Lester, Sallam, Turner, Aguiar Vallim (2017). RNA-binding protein ZFP36L1 maintains posttranscriptional regulation of bile acid metabolism. J Clin Invest, 127(10), pp. 3741-3754. 


  • Ribas, Drew, Zhou, Phun, Kalajian, Soleymani, Daraei, Widjaja, Wanagat, Aguiar Vallim, Fluitt, Bensinger, Le, Radu, Whitelegge, Beaven, Tontonoz, Lusis, Parks, Vergnes, Reue, Singh, Bopassa, Toro, Stefani, Watt, Schenk, Akerstrom, Kelly, Pedersen, Hewitt, Korach, Hevener (2016). Skeletal muscle action of estrogen receptor α is critical for the maintenance of mitochondrial function and metabolic homeostasis in females. Sci Transl Med, 8(334), pp. 334ra54. 
  • Zhang, Aguiar Vallim, Martel, Early Career Committee (2016). Translational and Therapeutic Approaches to the Understanding and Treatment of Dyslipidemia. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 36(7), pp. e56-61. 
  • Tarling, Edwards (2016). Intracellular Localization of Endogenous Mouse ABCG1 Is Mimicked by Both ABCG1-L550 and ABCG1-P550-Brief Report. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 36(7), pp. 1323-7. 
  • Tarling, Ryan, Austin, Kugler, Salter, Langley-Evans (2016). Maternal high-fat feeding in pregnancy programs atherosclerotic lesion size in the ApoE*3 Leiden mouse. J Dev Orig Health Dis, pp. 1-8. 


  • York, Williams, Argus, Zhou, Brar, Vergnes, Gray, Zhen, Wu, Yamada, Cunningham, Tarling, Wilks, Casero, Gray, Yu, Wang, Brooks, Sun, Kitchen, Wu, Reue, Stetson, Bensinger (2015). Limiting Cholesterol Biosynthetic Flux Spontaneously Engages Type I IFN Signaling. Cell, 163(7), pp. 1716-29. 
  • Wei, Tarling, McMillen, Tang, LeBoeuf (2015). ABCG1 regulates mouse adipose tissue macrophage cholesterol levels and ratio of M1 to M2 cells in obesity and caloric restriction. J Lipid Res, 56(12), pp. 2337-47. 
  • Ito, Hong, Rong, Zhu, Tarling, Hedde, Gratton, Parks, Tontonoz (2015). LXRs link metabolism to inflammation through Abca1-dependent regulation of membrane composition and TLR signaling. Elife, 4, pp. e08009. 
  • Tarling, Ahn, Aguiar Vallim (2015). The nuclear receptor FXR uncouples the actions of miR-33 from SREBP-2. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 35(4), pp. 787-95. 
  • Aguiar Vallim, Tarling, Ahn, Hagey, Romanoski, Lee, Graham, Motohashi, Yamamoto, Edwards (2015). MAFG is a transcriptional repressor of bile acid synthesis and metabolism. Cell Metab, 21(2), pp. 298-310. 


  • Baldan, Gonen, Choung, Que, Marquart, Hernandez, Bjorkhem, Ford, Witztum, Tarling (2014). ABCG1 is required for pulmonary B-1 B cell and natural antibody homeostasis. J Immunol, 193(11), pp. 5637-48. 


  • Bennett, Aguiar Vallim, Wang, Shih, Meng, Gregory, Allayee, Lee, Graham, Crooke, Edwards, Hazen, Lusis (2013). Trimethylamine-N-oxide, a metabolite associated with atherosclerosis, exhibits complex genetic and dietary regulation. Cell Metab, 17(1), pp. 49-60. 
  • Rong, Albert, Hong, Duerr, Chamberlain, Tarling, Ito, Gao, Wang, Edwards, Jung, Ford, Tontonoz (2013). LXRs regulate ER stress and inflammation through dynamic modulation of membrane phospholipid composition. Cell Metab, 18(5), pp. 685-97. 
  • Aguiar Vallim, Tarling, Kim, Civelek, Baldán, Esau, Edwards (2013). MicroRNA-144 regulates hepatic ATP binding cassette transporter A1 and plasma high-density lipoprotein after activation of the nuclear receptor farnesoid X receptor. Circ Res, 112(12), pp. 1602-12. 


  • Martin, Lau, Singh, Vergnes, Tarling, Mehrabian, Mungrue, Xiao, Shih, Castellani, Ping, Reue, Stefani, Drake, Bostrom, Lusis (2012). ABCC6 localizes to the mitochondria-associated membrane. Circ Res, 111(5), pp. 516-20. 


  • Tarling, Edwards (2011). ATP binding cassette transporter G1 (ABCG1) is an intracellular sterol transporter. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 108(49), pp. 19719-24.


  • Lee, Aguiar Vallim, Chong, Zhang, Liu, Jones, Osborne, Edwards (2010). Activation of the farnesoid X receptor provides protection against acetaminophen-induced hepatic toxicity. Mol Endocrinol, 24(8), pp. 1626-36. 
  • Jiang, Lu, Tarling, Kim, Man, Crumrine, Edwards, Elias, Feingold (2010). Regulation of ABCG1 expression in human keratinocytes and murine epidermis. J Lipid Res, 51(11), pp. 3185-95.
  • Tarling, Bojanic, Tangirala, Wang, Lovgren-Sandblom, Lusis, Bjorkhem, Edwards (2010). Impaired development of atherosclerosis in Abcg1-/- Apoe-/- mice: identification of specific oxysterols that both accumulate in Abcg1-/- Apoe-/- tissues and induce apoptosis. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 30(6), pp. 1174-80.